Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Beaver costume!

We were packing up some of Bo's clothes that were to small and trying on ones we thought might fit him and we just had to try on his Beaver costume! HAHA! Cute!! we got a kick out of it! Anyways, then we were all laying on the floor and were playing around with the camera!


Molly said...

so adorable!!! i spent a good portion of the morning at the computer showing Orison pictures of himself when he was a baby, at his request. it was so much fun to look back at moments like these!

Kaia said...

I love you guys!!

Signe said...

What great pictures.... I like the one of you guys on the floor

CaRo said...

is very cute!!!!


A.K. said...

LOVE IT!!! missin' my neighbors so much!! is that what he is going to be for halloween?!!

LDH said...

You may have the most photogenic baby I've ever seen (and remember, I'm kind of scared of babies).

I love that beaver costume so much I sort of want to wear it myself.

Anna Murnion said...

that beaver costume is awesome!!

how are you guys? I miss you. it's looking like we will see you in a couple of months though! :-D